Energy Portfolio Manager

The AI agent for Energy Portfolio Management and Trade & Risk Management interactively helps you to build the right portfolio for your risk-bearing capacity and to meet hedging targets.

Energy Portfolio Manager
Hedging with volatility & flexibility
The high volatility on the energy markets, the weather dependency of own renewable energies and PPAs coupled with the increasing electrification and flexibilization of plants make it difficult to determine the right future products.
Own use risk
A significant proportion of PPAs in the hedging portfolio poses the challenge of ensuring that there are no significant sell-offs, both to avoid losses on sell-offs in times of low prices and to prevent recognition as a derivative.
Capturing market trends

Get the information you need to understand market trends, take action and make data-driven decisions.

Mapping uncertainty

Analyze the existing uncertainty in the Hourly Price Forward Curves (HPFCs) and design your portfolio to be resilient.

Evaluate, conclude and maintain deals

Use the AI agent to find out which deals fit best into your portfolio in order to meet your hedging and issuing targets in a cost- and risk-optimized manner.

Forecasting the energy budget

The AI agent supports you in forecasting your energy budget, keeping an eye on the relevant key risk figures and reducing the risk with suitable measures.

Stochastic mapping of the volatility of the energy markets and the availability of renewable energies ensures that extremes are not ignored by using averages.
Demand forecasts
The data-driven, multi-year demand forecast for the plants in the balancing group ensures that trends resulting from plant expansions and production changes are taken into account in portfolio management.
Settlements per plant
Allocation of group-wide invoices according to the quarter-hourly requirements of the plants in order to reward the flexibility of the plants.
Focus on hedging targets
Continuous analysis of the relevant key risk figures, such as MtM and hedging efficiency and hedging targets.
Audit Security
Traceability of decisions, financial statements and invoices.
Meet sustainability targets with guarantees of origin.
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